Puget Sound, Washington
After the many excursions and sights, we arrived at my friend Swanee's place in Gig Harbor ... and watched him take the gold at the Pacific North-West Regional Disk Dog competition!
 Air Katie!
Swanee and Katie have been a team for three years now, and the dedication they have to the sport shows. Here we see Katie getting some great air-time as she vaults over Swanee in a training session the day before the competition.
Alpo hosts many of the Disk-dog events, and here we are at their Pacific North-West Regionals event, held in the shadow of the Seattle Space Needle. Competitors from all over the Pacific North-West -- as far away as Colorado -- come together to compete for the laurels (or at least, disks!) Some are dedicated participants, some plainly do it for the fun. (Katie and Swanee fit into both categories!)
 The Field of Competition
 The Right Stuff!
Competition consists of two events: mini-distance (where points are scored by distance, style, and quantity of throws/catches) and free-style (where the dog-and-human team can really show off their stuff.) Here we have another shot of Katie vaulting over Swanee, in the second round of the free-style competition. This was the routine that clinched their first place position, assuring them a trip to Washington DC to compete in the Nationals.
Note: Alpo, the sponsors of these events, retains rights to commercial use of all photographs taken there; the photo above is copyright Thomas M. Tuerke, and may only be used on this web page, or for other personal use.
This about sums it up, wouldn't you say? Bring out the laurels... and Knock 'em out of the air in DC!
 They do it for Love!